Thursday, May 7, 2009

Feminism Applied to the ASUC, a Bureaucratic Organization

At a liberal university, one would think that the relationship between male and female genders would be more egalitarian. However, through Patricia Hill Collins' analysis of gender, race, and class, we see that even in modern bureaucracies issues of gender equality and race can prevail.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Bureaucracy in concrete

I will relate Weber's preconditions to bureaucracy to ABC Concrete.

Weber's Rational Bureaucracy within East Bay Consortium

I will describe Weber's theory about bureaucracy through its preconditions and six institutional features that makes it possible. Then, I will analyze bureaucracy within East Bay Consortium, a non-profit organization dedicated to promote and enable students to attain their goals through higher education.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Bureaucracy and the Human Rights Campaign

This essay will discuss Weber's theory of Bureaucracy, the bureaucratic official, and its preconditions. Additionally, it will tie this theory with the Human Rights Campaign.

Military and Rational Bureaucracy

The Spirit of Capitalism

This paper provides an explanation of the Spirit of Capitalism (with the inclusion of the iron cage), and how it could or could not be applied to the Theater world.

Rational Bureaucracy and Safe Passage

In this essay I will describe the basic characteristics and the preconditions of rational bureaucracy as portrayed by Max Weber. I will then discuss whether Safe Passage, a day-care center in Guatemala, has the characteristics of a rational bureaucracy.